Super Hero's have super human powers and quite frankly, Mom's do too.
Picture a one handed diaper change while playing fetch with the dog AND dressing a child who is having a tantrum because he does not want to wear the frog shirt to school today! So what happens next?? Easy. Mom swiftly flies up the stairs while breast feeding the baby AND retrieving a shirt with a tractor on it that's "comfy." Perfect. Super Hero Mom saves the day again!
Ok, fine. So maybe Moms aren't "real" super heros, but Moms are definitely professional multi-taskers. Is that a job? Can we get paid to do that?? Let me know because I have the resume. I can feed the kids, get them dressed, have a conversation with my husband, throw a ball for the dog and juggle my life as a voice over artist. Yes, that's right a voice over artist. You may have heard me as the girl on the Subway radio commercial, "Hi. Welcome to Subway. How can I help you?" Or as the robot who malfunctions while making cookies on The Backyardigans. My latest splash is the voice of the cute and cuddly bear, Snuggle from Snuggles Fabric Softener. Yup. That's me.
Maybe other Moms don't have the exact same resume, but I'm sure we can all relate to the amount of "noodles" we're stirring in the pot. But how many of us have creative "noodles?" Noodles that have been simmering in the pot for years just getting soggy. At this point they aren't even edible. How many of us use the excuse of not having enough time or energy to spend on those noodles? I know I do and when I say it, it never feels good. It doesn't motivate me or make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It just gives me a way out. An excuse so I can justify why I can't possibly be anything more than a Mom, a wife and a pet owner. I'm sure you've heard this before and I'll say it again because it's true. We are better Moms when we make time for ourselves. And guess what? We are happier people when we take on the creative! So today I'm asking you to make the time. Not just for those lonesome noodles, but for you, your loved ones and the rest of the world.
If that doesn't motivate you and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, then maybe this will. Creative Moms everywhere are using their talents to make the world more fun, a little bit easier and a whole lot prettier for our kids. The greatest thing about it is that Mom's are creating amazing businesses that allow them more time with their families. Some are actually making money doing it! They are Creative Moms Taking On The Creative! If they can do it, so can you!! So if you have some "noodles," take the time today and throw them on the wall! That's what I'm doing......
Noodles On The Wall........Creative Moms Taking On The Creative
Let's see if it sticks :)
Are you a Creative Mom Taking On The Creative?
Let me know what you're up to, what you're going through, what inspires you.
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