"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." -Buddha

How many of us actually live in the moment? Take the time to sit with our emotions at the exact point in time that they are happening? How often do you check in, take a breath and acknowledge what you do have rather than what you don't have? Throughout the day, how many times do we dwell on the right and wrong choices of our past as well as the perfect moments of our futures?
I'll admit that most of the time, I have to consciously think about the NOW. Sometimes, I am so focused on the yesterday and the tomorrow, that I forget where I am and how I'm feeling in THIS moment. I don't know about you, but I constantly find myself dwelling on the IF and WHEN. IF I had gone to a better school, IF I had chosen a different proffession, IF I had had more confidence, WHEN I have more money, WHEN I have more time..........THEN......Then what?
Then......I realize this way of thinking gets me nowhere. I'm stuck feeling lousy and wishful with nowhere to go. So, I snap out of it and try to remind myself that the grass is not always greener. I'll admit it's easier said than done. But I eventually step outside the IF and the WHEN and remember that my grass in the past has made me who I am today. And that the today, will bring me to who I am tomorrow. But first, I have to actually take the time to stop and feel the NOW.
When I truly let myself enjoy the NOW, I see a deep green grass with hints of blue and shimmers of yellow. My grass dances in the wind and listens in stillness. It grows when the sun shines and even when the sun hides. This is what happens when I stop and concentrate on the present. There is no IF, no WHEN and no THEN.....and it's beautiful.
Yes, sometimes the NOW is not always made up of greens, blues and shimmers of yellow. At times, the grass is dried up and thirsting for water. But I guarantee your noodles will go farther if you embrace the NOW.....no matter what color your grass is. Being present in the NOW will bring you to where you want to be and where you want to go. But first, you have to stop and feel the NOW.