See, Noodles On The Wall wasn't supposed to be a blog about Moms and creativity. It was initially going to be my personal website. A place with my voice over demos, as well as any current projects I was working on. You know, like a one stop shop sort of thing. So, as I brainstormed on a website name, I did what I always do.......I made lunch. And that's when Noodles On The Wall fell into my lap. No really. It literally fell into my lap. My baby girl and I were having pasta and as baby's often do, she tossed a few in the air. As the noodles swiftly flew and landed on my lap, my lightbulb brightly turned on.
I fell in love with the concept of throwing all of my creative noodles and stashing them on my site. Yes! That was it. Perfect! But as I let the idea marinate, I felt there was a deeper purpose. So, one late evening, I sat down at my desk, opened the blog section of my site, and let words pour out of me. I wrote about mamahood, creativity, juggling it all and finding the time for fulfillment and purpose beyond mothering. When I was done, I knew Noodles On The Wall had been born. (Read first post HERE)
And through my words, I realized that having time for creativity was necessary. I had not done something for myself in so long. It completely filled me up. I've always known that being creative is just a part of who I am. I guess you could say it keeps me ticking. But, as I'm sure all of us can relate, being a Mom can sometimes make it difficult to find the time. For me, that meant my creativity was on the back burner, which in essence, meant my being was on the back burner. I knew that there were other Moms out there feeling the same, but I saved the draft on my blog and went to bed.
I did not press the "publish" button for a while. I set it aside and let my ego get in my way instead. "Who wants to read that?"....... "You don't have time for a blog!"........ "You are not a writer." I let these thoughts get the best of me and did not touch the site for at least a month or so. And then one day, I walked into my office and simply pushed the button. I don't know if I was having a bad day or a really good day, but either way, I ignored my own judgements and pushed the button. My heart pounded, my armpits got sweaty and I couldn't stop pacing, but I did it. I found my courage and let myself be seen. I pushed the darn thing so hard, I think I hurt my finger.
We get one chance in this life to live. But not just live to wake up, go to work, take care of your kids and eat meals in between. To LIVE in your being and in your own purpose. For me, creativity is who I am and without it, I'm not living. Courage was the missing link. Fear was my blockage.
So, find the courage to live your purpose. Throw your noodle today and don't let your ego get the best of you. Do what's in your heart and LIVE. Go ahead, push the button.