T minus 20 seconds......T minus 10 seconds......9....8....7...6...5..4..3, 2, 1...BLAST OFF! I pulled out of the driveway in my rocket ship, otherwise known as my Toyota, and flew off on an adventure with three kids under the age of four. See my dear friends had a family emergency, so I offered to take care of their daughter for the day. Not only is she my son's best friend, she is also practically a part of the family. So being together is kind of a regular thing. But today was the first time we were taking on the town. I wasn't keeping it contained in my back yard with bikes and crafts, we were going places. We were taking on the creative!

I popped the back row in my SUV and essentially, got Team Schloss on our way to Friday Fun Day! As we took off on our rocket ship, I was in the groove. Of course, it had only been five minutes, but nevertheless, I was rockin' this Mom of three thing! We danced like super stars at the red lights, we pretended to push buttons on our space monitors (windows) and we even deciphered the distance to the moon......which was decidedly "400 inch seconds and the color pink." Life was good. Then, we showed up at our first stop and reality quickly settled in.
We had arrived at a friend's home for a play group, when Team Schloss decided a potty break was a definite necessity. The baby also needed a desperate diaper change and I was doing the old pee pee dance myself (too much coffee), so we all headed on down to the powder room. I tried to strategize in my head how this was all going to go down, but in the end, I winged it. Surprisingly, I had it down pat with a regular assembly line.......go potty, flush, wash hands, look at the cool bath toys, watch baby getting a diaper change, look at the cool bath toys again and run out the door. Yikes! Dive for the baby before she puts her fingers in the electrical socket. Ok, I think I'll pee later.
We swiftly moved on to the oh so wonderfully distracting water table. I had enough time to scarf down a bagel, have yet another cup of coffee (what was I thinking!) and let the baby crawl around for a bit. As I started to relax, exchange a few words with another mom and actually sit down, the sprinkler was set up. So, as the leader of Team Schoss, I quickly formed another assembly line........pants and shirts off, bathing suit on, sunscreen rubbed in and repeat. Oops! Grab the baby before she eats a rock. Perfect! Truly a breeze.
Soon I realized it was time to move on to our next activity, so the assembly line was created yet again. I have to admit I was getting a little too confident though. Instead of keeping it simple, I went ahead and added a wiggle dance and a song into the mix. I have to say, Team Schloss rocked! It went something like this.........bathing suit off, underwear on, wiggle wiggle back and forth, sing really loud, get pants and shirt on and repeat. Oh Geez! The baby just squeezed apple sauce on herself. Ok, not a problem. Get the baby dressed and pack up the bags.........wait a second.......there is a missing bathing suit bottom.......weird.
And there she was, wet toosh and all. In between the wiggle, the singing and the squeezed applesauce, I put her underwear and her pants right over her wet bathing suit bottom.........my friend's daughter had a wet toosh and I was responsible for it. Now granted, she didn't seem to mind, but my glorious assembly line went kaput! I had failed Team Schloss and my team member, but more importantly, I still had to pee.
We had arrived at a friend's home for a play group, when Team Schloss decided a potty break was a definite necessity. The baby also needed a desperate diaper change and I was doing the old pee pee dance myself (too much coffee), so we all headed on down to the powder room. I tried to strategize in my head how this was all going to go down, but in the end, I winged it. Surprisingly, I had it down pat with a regular assembly line.......go potty, flush, wash hands, look at the cool bath toys, watch baby getting a diaper change, look at the cool bath toys again and run out the door. Yikes! Dive for the baby before she puts her fingers in the electrical socket. Ok, I think I'll pee later.
We swiftly moved on to the oh so wonderfully distracting water table. I had enough time to scarf down a bagel, have yet another cup of coffee (what was I thinking!) and let the baby crawl around for a bit. As I started to relax, exchange a few words with another mom and actually sit down, the sprinkler was set up. So, as the leader of Team Schoss, I quickly formed another assembly line........pants and shirts off, bathing suit on, sunscreen rubbed in and repeat. Oops! Grab the baby before she eats a rock. Perfect! Truly a breeze.
Soon I realized it was time to move on to our next activity, so the assembly line was created yet again. I have to admit I was getting a little too confident though. Instead of keeping it simple, I went ahead and added a wiggle dance and a song into the mix. I have to say, Team Schloss rocked! It went something like this.........bathing suit off, underwear on, wiggle wiggle back and forth, sing really loud, get pants and shirt on and repeat. Oh Geez! The baby just squeezed apple sauce on herself. Ok, not a problem. Get the baby dressed and pack up the bags.........wait a second.......there is a missing bathing suit bottom.......weird.
And there she was, wet toosh and all. In between the wiggle, the singing and the squeezed applesauce, I put her underwear and her pants right over her wet bathing suit bottom.........my friend's daughter had a wet toosh and I was responsible for it. Now granted, she didn't seem to mind, but my glorious assembly line went kaput! I had failed Team Schloss and my team member, but more importantly, I still had to pee.