"Creativity is the difference between life and death." Danielle LaPorte
I came across this clip on You tube the other day and was so moved by these two best friends. Their commitment to friendship and their commitment to creativity.
This beautiful dog waited for his little boy to explore. He created the space for him to enjoy a simple puddle. By waiting for his friend, this dog sent his boy a message without words, "Do what you love and jump. Live. You have my support." It was also inspiring to see this little guy relish in the moment. He took his opportunity and seized the day. He didn't let that puddle pass him by. So, he gently placed his leash down and asked his best friend for the space to be creative.
In this tiny moment, a little boy and his best friend, committed to something even greater than friendship. They committed to living.
How many of us pass up on those puddle opportunities? We are all worth a puddle or two. We all deserve to live. So whether you're the one waiting or relishing that day, remember to create space for creativity and jump. Start the new year right and LIVE in your moment.
In this tiny moment, a little boy and his best friend, committed to something even greater than friendship. They committed to living.
How many of us pass up on those puddle opportunities? We are all worth a puddle or two. We all deserve to live. So whether you're the one waiting or relishing that day, remember to create space for creativity and jump. Start the new year right and LIVE in your moment.